Question: Can the tax preparation fee be taken out of my return or do I need to pay for the service upfront?
Both. We can either accept payment when filing or can have the payment deducted from your return.
Question: When is the first day that we can file an income tax return in 2013?
It really depends on the forms you will need. The I.R.S. has given dates for some forms and other forms are expected to be out around the same time.
Federal Forms
Form 1040A Individual Tax Return01/10/2013
Form 2441 Child & Dependent Care Expenses
Schedule 8812 Child Tax Credit01/10/2013
Schedule EIC Earned Income Credit01/03/2013
So from reading this, it can be said that the 10th of January will be the first day that we will be able to efile your income tax forms.
Question: When will my return be direct deposited or a check mailed to me if I efile?
The I.R.S. hasn't given out much detail about their schedule but we have used prior years I.R.S. Tax Calendar and modified it using the information that we have received from the I.R.S. so far. To view the I.R.S. 2013 Income Tax Payment Schedule, click here.
Question: How much will I get back from my return?
That is entirely dependent on your personal factors including your income and tax payments for 2012. You're personal situation can also affect this great. HR Block created a great tool for getting an estimate of your tax refund. It is simple, so if you have more advanced taxes, it is most likely incorrect. You can calculate your 2012 Income Tax Return by clicking here.
Question: How do I signup or become a client of Hot Springs Tax Services?
We consider your privacy to be our #1 priority, so we only accept new clients via phone call and in person. This way we can very the individual and avoid any chance of fraud. Feel free to contact us via email to set up consultation or give us a call.
If we missed your question, feel free to comment and we will get it posted up!
Thanks for your time.
Have a great day!
-Hot Springs Tax Services Staff
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